✔Mushrooms of the Oyster variety are some of the more commonly consumed mushrooms in the world.
✔ They are rich in high-quality proteins and amino acids, B vitamins, vitamin D, iron and potassium.
✔Several studies are now showing that they lower cholesterol due to the presence of statins and lovastatins.
1. Antibacterial
2. Lowers cholesterol
3. anti-cancer
4. Immune booster
✔Blue Oysters grow in clusters and take on a shelf like shape.
✔It has white stems with deep blue caps that turn grey as they age.
✔Like many mushrooms, it should be picked young for consumption as it becomes tougher as it ages and its taste
and smell deteriorate.
✔Pleurotus Columbinus is known to be fairly easy to grow
as long as it has plenty of fresh air flow.
✔ It can grow on dead wood, straw, grass, cotton, cacti, hemp, coffee waste, paper products amongst other things, making it
a great way to turn your compost into a mushroom growing substrate.
✔It is also a carnivorous mushroom, consuming nematodes which tend to be a threat to other mushrooms.
For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933
Import-biobritte.agro@gmail.com or
whatsapp +91-9850985511